The writings below are taken directly from the 2016 City Paper Predictions, linked here
I will provide critique after each item, and give evidence of being accurate. I will post my critique in blue.
Pasted directly from article:
Suzanne Bishop writes:
The overall sense that I get intuitively is that there is a mass awakening of people. What that means is that people, for the first time, are letting go of the ties that bind them to base realities of life and are freeing themselves to the nuances of spirit. There is a big surge of collective energies that are opening up for people, as the walls of what they think is real (right) melt into the intuitive voice. Intuitive voice being that collective stream of consciousness that can sometimes permeate the dream state. This topic is ALL over the internet in 2016, some sensing it earlier beginning in 2012. Here is a link to an article that talks about this mass awakening. (I am neither agreeing with nor disagreeing with this writer’s ideas, only showing the connection between my prediction and the sense of a mass awakening.
Things are going to get real with increased conflict in the Middle East and other places (boots on the ground), an increase of dangerous weather patterns and events, and populations of refugees at our doors. There is an air of underhandedness coming from governments and major powers like Russia. Wow, just wow. Things really did heat up in 2016 in the Middle East.
We may not have seen “boots on the ground”, which I do hate that idiom. Yet, according to this article by Military Times we did! This is an interesting news source, some of which you will not get on main stream media. About the “underhandedness coming from governments” phrase I predicted: Isn’t that what you have either been feeling otherwise in earlier years, only to have this sense of not trusting the government become stronger in 2016. Much was revealed in 2016 that our government IS underhanded towards its citizens, from the election process to main stream media to disclosure of ET contact. Some examples: (This article claiming Russian involvement, once again I am not agreeing with, nor disagreeing with this info.) This entire idea that we have become more clear sighted that our government in some aspects is not truthful is so widespread, and with good cause that it overwhelmingly agrees with my prediction above. The more recent insistence that the Russian government was involved in our elections ties into this sense that I had in January of 2016 that some governments are underhanded.
Because everything is put on the table in front for all eyes to see — a Plutonian astrological event — corporations and [political] candidates are feeling the backlash of their wrongdoing. The Wikileaks reminds me of this prediction. Yes, Wikileaks has been around for a while, but only until 2016 did it become a household name, and has come out of the fringe. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump will continue to surge in popularity, as they do not represent [the] established status quo and are relatively authentic. Sanders will win the nomination and will become our next president. Now, I was very wrong on this one, but I still feel it was the will of the people to elect someone like Sanders. I did not see the corruption in our electoral process. People who voted for Trump are in part looking for similar things as Sanders supporters. They want better lives for their children, and were attracted to a populace president.
Gun violence will continue to plague us, mostly with domestic terrorism. So many acts to link to. I will link to the major ones. provides a rundown of domestic terrorism in 2016. Thank God we have had not many foreign terrorism in the States. There will even be a few scuffles during political gatherings in the upcoming months as we get closer to elections. This prediction was right on the mark. Here are the examples: There will also be gun-reform happening under Obama. Correct prediction: More and more whistleblowers come out of the closet, (Yikes! Hit THIS prediction on the nail!) some to do with alien disclosure. [Bishop also later explained that alien disclosure could come from astronauts involved in the moon landings.] Interesting article in a New Age magazine: Medical marijuana becomes legal in more states and people begin to protest for its use in cancer treatments. More accurate predictions: Historic changes in marijuana legislation. People may have been protesting the legal use of marijuana for years, but it got a lot of attention in 2016. A lot of information came out to masses of people about the benefits of pot for cancer treatments.
No major earthquakes in 2016, but the year 2017 has lots of activity. More deadly storms and tornadoes are predicted for 2016. I got this one wrong about earthquakes, but if you see it in relationship to much more powerful earthquakes happening in 2017 as a possibility it makes sense. Not saying there will be mega quakes in 2017, but major changes ARE on the way. We did see a continuing of major deadly weather patterns. Interesting take on weather in 2016:
As more and more people are seeing the reality of life as it really is — again, the Plutonian influence — and people and events that were once in the “hiding of wrongdoing” come to light, people will either let fear or love take them over. So much here, I would call 2016 “The Year of Revelations”. Wikileaks, proof that our elections and news are managed etc. People’s basic identity of who they thought they were is challenged by a softening of ego that is part of human evolution happening at this time. As we continue to travel into the Aquarian Age, we let go of the deep-seated belief that we are just not good enough, [for] an even deeper belief that we are not only good enough, but divine in nature.
In summary, things are going to get scary and violent, while at the same time, there will be a lot of love and brotherly support from people to people, mostly shown on social media. Many people are going to band together to protest harmful corporations damaging the earth, (The Water Protectors in South Dakota and other parts of the US come to mind, as well as the protests against the cracker plant construction north of Pittsburgh. ) and the war in the Middle East. This is just beginning to gear up in 2017. We will see more protests against the proxy wars in Middle East and now in Africa. These protests are a reaction to once-hidden activities coming to light. Bottom line is: Don’t let the “reality” of what you see around you cause you to fall into fear. Adjust your natural spiritual antenna to the basic belief that you are deserving of love; serve others and the world, trust your intuition and you will thrive.
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Sun | 10° Aries 25' 51" |
Moon | 00° Taurus 53' 04" |
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Mars | 23° Cancer 14' 44" |
Jupiter | 15° Gemini 48' 33" |
Saturn | 24° Pisces 21' 27" |
Uranus | 24° Taurus 42' 24" |
Neptune | 00° Aries 00' 54" |
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Chiron | 22° Aries 14' 07" |
TrueNode | 27° Pisces 24' 11" R |
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